Thursday, September 15, 2011

The book in between...

There's a book in between Malachi and Matthew. A book spanning 400 years (so people estimate) and one which says alot about God. One which has no words written in it and yet is very important. For those looking no, there's no actual book there, but in between, on that page in most Bibles which says 'New Testament', for 400 years, God kept 'silent'. Nothing was written in the Bible during those 400 years. So was God really silent, did God really do nothing? How could God abandon His chosen people for 400 years? Or did He? There's a big difference between waiting ON God and waiting WITH Him. God didn't sit on His bum and go: "Ho hum, We'll just let them suffer for 400 years and then We'll do something." God was waiting. For what? Perhaps if nothing else, for Joseph and Mary to finally be born and bethrothed. For John to be ready to be born. In that 400 years, God was probably still preparing for the coming of Jesus in His human genealogy. Just because God doesn't say anything doesn't mean that He doesn't care. And so we learn, to wait, not alone, but with God, not ON God, but with Him, not trying to move His hand, but waiting in His arms, not squirming and yelling, but in quiet and content trust. Dad, I'm really NOT good at waiting, but teach me and help me to abide in You, knowing that You WILL move, and that You ARE for me. Thank You for loving me, I love You too.


  1. Amen! *hugs* I pray that in the stillness you will discover greater treasure.

  2. very well written =) it was interesting that i was thinking about that 400 year gap a few weeks ago in the most unlikely of places - my toilet....
    but i guess, this is a confirmation that it was a right time to ponder about that thought =)
