repeat after me again, God does not want anything from me, and again, God does not want anything from me.
How do I know? God IS love and love is...
not self-seeking/isn't always "me first," (1 Cor 13)
God doesn't even need anything from you! God is complete in of Himself!
BE CONVINCED OF THAT! (Btw, I'm speaking this probably more to myself than to any of you =P But it doesn't make it less true.)
Possibly controversial statement - If someone is fully convinced about the goodness of God, that person will not fall into sin. (Any issues with this, PLEASE let me know dear readers).
Evidence - The original deception which the serpent used (and still uses all the time!) was essentially this - God is holding out on you aka God is not perfectly good and God is not loving you.
When (I say when because we all can and will get there) you are fully convinced about the love and goodness of God, that He is FOR you and is NOT looking to get something from you, you don't need to step out of His will. You won't even want to!
So again - God DOES NOT want anything from me!
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