Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Perhaps confusing post ahead...

Free streaming thoughts, so you have been warned. =P

Something which has always sort of nagged at me is how I generally pray to God the Father, not Jesus. And perhaps at a deeper level, I'm not really so sure I necessarily know Jesus all that well.

Now I don't mean academically, but, there is something of it that I KNOW Daddy, I kind of know the Holy Spirit too, but Jesus, hmmm... Not really, or perhaps, the Jesus which I really know seems to be just His human side. The Jew from Nazereth in history in skin.

Which I think (MY OWN OPINION!) is an issue, which I DO have to change.

If you don't know God and only know Jesus and the Holy Spirit, something is WIERD, cause Jesus says that if you know Him, you WILL know Daddy.

If you don't know Jesus and know God and the Holy Spirit, something's wierd too, cause salvation is ONLY through Jesus and, well, yeah, it's just wierd.

If you don't know the Holy Spirit and know only Daddy and Jesus, then well, you're missing out, cause you don't have power.

It's kinda like knowing someone who is a father, cricketer and piano player. They're ALL him, but you kinda can't really say you know KNOW him if you only know 2 aspects of him.

So well, yeah...

Jesus, I WANT to know you, to get to know you as ALIVE and as God. Please help me and speak to me. In Your Name I pray, amen.

P.S Paul knew all three, so that's good enough reason for me too also! =P

P.P.S If there's some major theological flaw in this post, PLEASE get back to me k all you regular readers (if I actually have any =P)