Wednesday, August 24, 2011

So why DO we give thanks for food?

Seriously, why do YOU give thanks?
Are you REALLY thankful?

Why should we even care to ask this? Well, quite simply, giving thanks for food is something which is so automatic, so INGRAINED, we just do it. I once had a comment that I ALWAYS started my thanks with the same words, and it's true!

BECAUSE it's so ingrained, we DO need to think about our motivation, or we could just be perpetuating an underlying lie. For instance, appeasement. If I don't give thanks, God will not love me. LIE! But if you DON'T think about it you reinforce this thought EVERYTIME you give thanks. Another - ritual. It's what I've always done, so do it lor. LIE! If you're doing it for the sake of doing it, you're basically also feeding to yourself that God isn't actually personal. After all, He doesn't care about these little prayers of thanks, when in actual fact, God is EXTREMELY personal.

So why DO we give thanks? I'll leave YOU to think about it. =)

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know about this entry... just saw it.. interesting that God spoke to u about this... *hugs*
